Saturday, May 9, 2009


Where to begin, where to start... where or when to stop maybe?
My name is Brent Rudolf Norris Lang. Born and raised in Birmingham Alabama and currently a student (5th year senior by choice and current economy trends) at Auburn University. I am studying industrial design under the ID program and it is accredited. I enjoy design, like learning design, drawing, and naturally cars. I hate the word blog, or blogging, or blogger, or anything really related to mainstreaming the internet, insert cliché "lol" here. It annoys me but everything has its place, but I digress naturally. I have many interest which some may creep up here from time to time which can range any where from designs, design in general, personal interests, music, skies the limit as far as I'm concerned. The car that I have more than a passion and considerable obsession is with a 1972 VW Karmann Ghia that has been in the family for 3 generations, but more on that in the next post soon to follow.

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